Emotiona fly lnteIIigent Change Management

This training course will give participants a different way of discussing the future changes at their organisations, to help them succeed not only for the individuals attending the training course, but for their teams and customers too. It is intended for anyone in a position of managing or leading others which will benefit from the message delivered by the Change Management training.

The `Emotionally Intelligent Change Management` training course has been developed to introduce participants to practical tools and techniques that will enable them to better understand their people during the transformation of their business. It will also provide them with clear methodologies that will assist them in influencing the change for the organisation and the people within it. The training focuses on a series of methods that can be used to help participants understand people and teams within their organisation better. It will look at: What are their motivations? How do they feel about work? And, how do they experience it? The workshop will help participants place themselves `in their shoes` to aid engagement with their teams at a higher level.